Honorary Doctorates have given the following Dignitaries
- Kelvin Vargheese – Doctorate in Engineering
- Obaid Ali Humaid Hareb Al Shamsi – Doctorate in Sustainability
- Alaa Yahya Aref Ahmad – Doctorate in Technology
- Ramesh Kumar Arumugam – Doctorate in Business Administration
- Ramakrishnan Mathiyalagan – Doctorate in Social Work
- Subramania Prasath N E – Doctorate in Social Work
- Sikkandar Alaudeen Asanar – Doctorate in Social Services
- Muralikumar Shanmugam Chandran – Doctorate in Education
- Sahar Ahamed. J – Doctorate in Arts and Humane Letters
- Shrisudha Viswanathan – Doctorate in Space Science
- Ramkumar Sarangapani – Doctorate in Fine Arts
- Mahadevan A.K. – Doctorate in Humanities
FEDA & EPSRU hosts International Education Summit in Dubai with a focus on academic excellence in HAMDAN BIN MOHAMMED SMART UNIVERSITY - Academic City Dubai on 30th July 2023.

DD News 31-07-2023 | 10:51 am
The summit was a valuable opportunity for participants to learn from and network with leading experts in the field of education. It also provided a platform for showcasing innovative research and promoting collaboration in the global education community.

DD News Link Click Here !
https://ddnews.gov.in/international/feda-hosts-international-education-summit-dubai-focus-academic-excellence https://newsonair.com/2023/07/31/feda-hosts-international-education-summit-in-dubai-with-a-focus-on-academic-excellence/